我手上面真係有好多支不同樣既化妝掃,有時癲起上黎一款有2支都有好多例子。我老公仲係我男朋友時,第一次上我屋企見到咁多掃,佢初時仲以為係畫筆,同咩黎個女仔咁好文藝修養,哈哈哈! 我D掃多到要用個筷子筒先放得晒!
1. 陪左我差不多十X年既化妝掃
胖媽早早年係Shu Uemura既super fans,所以一定有佢既化妝掃,黎幾支大大話話都買左十幾年,到宜家都仲係好好用,而且仲未甩頭甩髻! 雖然當年真係買時幾肉赤,不過你又諗番用左咁多年都仲支爛,咩都抵晒啦!
不過近年買既SHU 掃既質量就好似差左D,早幾個月買左支大既碎粉掃,十分之鞋,又唔好用而且第一次洗既水係黑色既,所以我想佢D野真係差左D!
2. 上濕粉極好用既掃
近3年先至出現既Synthetic brush,都用左好幾代
,最早係Mac出先既,不過我就覺得又係比D You Tube Vlogger 導左,MAC果幾支都唔多好用,上到面又有痕,一層層查上去又會太厚,所以好失望。好似係舊年 Sigma Brush 出左幾支 Synthetic Kabuki Brush,佢地就改良左,成件事又唔同晒,我就花多少少時間同大家介紹下。
(官網定價: USD117)
F80 - Flat Kabuki™: Application of liquid or cream products to flat areas of
the face such as the forehead and cheeks.
F82 - Round Kabuki™: Blend mineral products onto the skin.
F84 - Angled Kabuki™: Buff cream blush or bronzer onto the skin.
F86 - Tapered Kabuki™: Apply
cream and liquid foundations onto the harder to reach contours of the face.
P80 - Precision Flat™: Stipple
concealer on sun spots, blemishes, and other small imperfections.
P82 - Precision Round™: Apply
eye shadow base or primer onto the lid.
P84 - Precision Angled™: Apply
product to areas such as the sides of the nose and the hollows of the cheeks.
P86 - Precision Tapered™:
Exact placement of concealer in harder to reach areas such as around the eyes
and nose, chin, and around the mouth.
另外果2支細支既掃,我就淨係買左2支,P82 / P86,82係圓頭,86係尖頭,用佢地黎上遮瑕膏一流,不過另一方面睇其實就無咩其他作用了!
其他果D掃,大部份都係化眼妝既,都係放埋一邊因為我都唔多茶eye shadow,淨係畫左條眼線清清地就算架啦!